out of array range problem


hey guys and girls, I've got a small problem in this code:

//---- checking number of bars

   if (rates_total < MPeriod - 1 + begin)



   //---- declare the local variables = >  HERE THE PROBLEM 

   int first, bar,i=ArraySize(ExtLineBuffer); 


   double Sum, SMA;


   //---- calculation of starting index

   if (prev_calculated == 0)


     first =MPeriod - 1 + begin; 

     if(begin > 0)

      PlotIndexSetInteger(0, PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN, begin + MPeriod);


   else first = prev_calculated - 1;

   //---- indicator main loop

   for(bar = first; bar < rates_total; bar++)


     Sum = 0.0;

     //---- price summation

     for(i = 0; i < MPeriod; i++)

      Sum += price[bar - i]; // Sum = Sum + price[bar - iii];


     //---- calculation of average price

     SMA = Sum / MPeriod;


     //---- filling the buffer with calculated value

     ExtLineBuffer[bar] = SMA;




I believe you need to make this change:

//---- declare the local variables = >  HERE THE PROBLEM 

   int first, bar,i=ArraySize(ExtLineBuffer); 


   double Sum, SMA;

Arrays are 0..n not 1..n, so ArraySize -1 is the max index value.

Hope it helps.


Hi astrocypher,

your astro instruments has not told you that code should be shown as code by using either Alt+s or the icon </> from the editor line?

And they missed to let you know that arrays - as long as they have not a fix size - has to be set by ArraySize().

instead of looking into the night sky start reading the docs - for the beginning place in the editor the cursor on a MQ-function and press F1.


  1. Please edit your (original) post and use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.)
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  2.    for(bar = first; bar < rates_total; bar++){
         Sum = 0.0;
         //---- price summation
         for(i = 0; i < MPeriod; i++)
          Sum += price[bar - i];
         ExtLineBuffer[bar] = SMA;

    Buffers default to as-series. Don't know about your array price. Your for loop is non-series. See ArraySetAsSeries

  3.  if (prev_calculated == 0){ 
         first =MPeriod - 1 + begin; 
       else first = prev_calculated - 1;

    See How to do your lookbacks correctly #9#14 & #19.