how to correctly use two operators after an If expression.


My code from DGNfractals.mq5

//--- main cycle of calculations
   for(int i=start; i<rates_totalD-3 && !IsStopped(); i++)
      //--- Upper Fractal
      if(highD[i]>highD[i+1] && highD[i]>highD[i+2] && highD[i]>=highD[i-1] && highD[i]>=highD[i-2])
         DGNHigh[i]=highD[i+1];                        // problem area line 82
         ExtUpperBuffer[i]=25;   //was EMPTY_VALUE
      //--- Lower Fractal
      if(lowD[i]<lowD[i+1] && lowD[i]<lowD[i+2] && lowD[i]<=lowD[i-1] && lowD[i]<=lowD[i-2])
         ExtLowerBuffer[i]=26;   //was EMPTY_VALUE

Have used Search in Documentation e.g. "Separating Operators {do stuff}

Amazing how one can get sidetracked with 2011 articles that still do not show how to correctly use two operators after an If expression. Yes e.g. of nesting after the Else expression.

Compiling error: 'else' - illegal 'else' without matching 'if'    DGNFractals.mq5    84    7

Please point me in direction in Documentation which lets me LEARN about this. Thanks


Before anything, please wrap your code in a code block by clicking the following button:

With that said, the code you posted looks fine. I don't know why you're getting the following error:

Compiling error: 'else' - illegal 'else' without matching 'if'    DGNFractals.mq5    84

All I can think of is you're missing a curly bracket somewhere else in your code.

Have used Search in Documentation e.g. "Separating Operators {do stuff}
Search for operator or for the actual operator, such as &&