One Reason why rectangle traders don't want to move from MT4 to MT5


Hello mql5 developers,

I am getting a lot of feedbacks from users asking me why MT5 rectangle extenders don't have 4 edges for drag and drop.

With only 2 edges it is very hard for supply demand and zone traders to make analysis in MT5, because MT4 is much better because of this.

Please make 4 edges for drag and drop also in MT5.

MT5 example (downgrade for a lot of users):

mt5 rectangle edges

MT4 example:

mt4 rectangle edges

BR, Igor

Good luck with your request. Please keep us posted if anything new.

Yup, I don't know why they removed the extenders / anchor points from Rectangles.

Add my name to the list of people who want them brought back.

Yes, I agree.  Not having four points to reshape rectangles makes it difficult for supply and demand traders, especially when it is extended into the future.  To make minor adjustments, you literally have to go to the hard right edge to grab it.  This is time consuming and occasionally results in missed opportunities.  Please update MT5 so that the rectangles have four points for drag and drop.  Thank you for your consideration.

Hi traders,

Is there any special procedure how to submit development request for upgrading MT5 for this 4 edges rectangle option?

Does anyone know how to program 4 drag and drop edges in mql5?
  1. Igor Zizek #: Is there any special procedure how to submit development request

    The service desk is dealing with financial issues only for now. And any other issues/possible bugs/suggestions/ideas/etc should be discussed on the forum.
              Get in touch with developers using Service Desk! - MQL5 programming forum #509 (2019)
              How does one contact Service Desk? - General - MQL5 programming forum #8

  2. Igor Zizek #: Does anyone know how to program 4 drag and drop edges in mql5?

    It does not exist.


This bothers me so much that I will develop free addon, to have 4 edges on rectangle.

What name of indicator should I give to this free addon:

Four edged rectangle

Four edge point rectangle

Rectangle four edges points

Four edges on rectangle

or any other idea to give it proper name, I am not good with English :)

funny thing is that it is showing like should it have 4 edges on rectangle create button:

4 edge rectangle mt5

Igor Zizek #:

This bothers me so much that I will develop free addon, to have 4 edges on rectangle.

I'd suggest
Four corner rectangle.

The four corners can be defined by two hidden crossing diagonals which update each other depending on which one is the latest value.
Would it be possible to use a hidden diagonal trendline to provide the missing anchor points? One diagonal is already contained in the standard rectangle.

But this is just my two cents and there is probably a more optimal way.
pennyhunter #:

I'd suggest
Four corner rectangle.

The four corners can be defined by two hidden crossing diagonals which update each other depending on which one is the latest value.
Would it be possible to use a hidden diagonal trendline to provide the missing anchor points? One diagonal is already contained in the standard rectangle.

But this is just my two cents and there is probably a more optimal way.

what about this name:

"Four corner points of rectangle" or just  "Four corner points rectangle"

yes I know it is long but it is accurate :) Any other ideas

Igor Zizek:

Hello mql5 developers,

I am getting a lot of feedbacks from users asking me why MT5 rectangle extenders don't have 4 edges for drag and drop.

With only 2 edges it is very hard for supply demand and zone traders to make analysis in MT5, because MT4 is much better because of this.

Please make 4 edges for drag and drop also in MT5.

MT5 example (downgrade for a lot of users):

MT4 example:

BR, Igor

I don't understand your problem. A MT5 rectangle is e.g. defined by [1.2.21|10] (corner top left) and [2.3.21|2] (corner bottom right). For the missing other two corners - who ever needs them - you just have swap the coordinate values: [1 .2.21|2] and [ 2.3.21|10]. What is the problem?