get mt4 build version


I am trying to store the mt4 build in a variable on an EA im working on. I have tried to write a comment with the following code to get the build number: Comment(" __MQLBUILD__ = ",__MQLBUILD__,"  __FILE__ = ",__FILE__);

The outputs are not the same as the mt4 build number as you can see on the attached image. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?


2021.10.19 10:38:04.910    testscr USDSGD,Daily:  __MQLBUILD__ = 2392  __FILE__ = testscr.mq4
2392 is the version of the editor.
William Roeder #:
2021.10.19 10:38:04.910    testscr USDSGD,Daily:  __MQLBUILD__ = 2392  __FILE__ = testscr.mq4
2392 is the version of the editor.

I am afraid I still don't really understand why I get the results I do. The results are different to that of Looking under "help" -> "about" directly from mt4. Any suggestions how I can retrieve the actual build number of mt4? 


Try this:

Print(TerminalInfoInteger( TERMINAL_BUILD));
Drazen Penic #:

Try this:

Thank you so much!!!!