Large and immediate price drop followed by an immediate return to the pre-existing price range

Hi  I took a position on September 30, 2021 and planned to close the position within 3 or 4 minutes.  The price of the currency (XAUUSD) was rising. Suddenly the system seemed to freeze and the next thing I knew was my funds were wiped out and I was left with a negative balance $7,900 US.  This who process took a few seconds.  The price of the XAUUSD was immediately back to where it was before this automated trade took place.  To me this looks like a software glitch.  I have documented the activity.  I checked the price of XAUUSD on other sites at this time and this large and rapid price decrease it not present.  What can I do???
Hi  I took a position on September 30, 2021 and planned to close the position within 3 or 4 minutes.  The price of the currency (XAUUSD) was rising. Suddenly the system seemed to freeze and the next thing I knew was my funds were wiped out and I was left with a negative balance $7,900 US.  This who process took a few seconds.  The price of the XAUUSD was immediately back to where it was before this automated trade took place.  To me this looks like a software glitch.  I have documented the activity.  I checked the price of XAUUSD on other sites at this time and this large and rapid price decrease it not present.  What can I do???

Contact your broker.