does not open in Chrome. certificate invalid


Hello. I'm having this problem for a long time. I can open in Firefox, but not in Chrome. Does anyone know where is the problem and how I can fix it?

Chrome is updated, I reinstall it several times, also clear cache, disable firewall, etc. but not work

I do not have any problem with it: certificate is valid on my Chrome 93.0.4577.82 version, 64 бит
Farzad Sadeghishahrestanak

Check your PC time and date , including the year .

From google result :

"If you're trying to visit a website in Google Chrome and you encounter the error message ERR_CERT_DATE_INVALID, it usually means there's an issue with the date & time of your computer or the validity period of the website's certificate."

Since the website works fine for us this means that it's an issue related to your computer's date & time.