Signal - this account is used to provide signal


Hello i can't subscribe a signal (free and pay signal)

i only get this message

  '93744': Signal - this account is used to provide signal

Can you help me
Are you also using the account to provide a signal? Even a private one?
Yes, I use the Metatrader 4 at Sensus and JFD private. none of these providers I can be copied signals
If you are already using the account to provide a signal, you can't use the same account to subscribe to another signal. Just open a new account with your broker and use that for subscribing.

i know, but i havn't a active Signal

I use the latest version of MT4 and the support of JFD can not solve the problem

11.20.2014-09.47.44 - Operationmerkur's library
11.20.2014-09.47.44 - Operationmerkur's library
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I asked if you had a signal on that account and you said yes?? I also can't see your images, they're blank....?