I have created a FIFO compliant signal but MQL5 does not allow folks in the US to subscribe due to FIFO!


I have recently created a signal called "market newbie forexcom". This signal is created in the United States fully complying with the US rules of FIFO. All history of the trades indicate full compliance with FIFO rule since the inception of the account. However, I myself live in Canada. My followers in the US would like to subscribe to this signal as they are also bound by FIFO rule. However, once they want to subscribe, MQL5 does not allow it and says the signal creator is not in compliance with FIFO rules. Please note that despite I physically live in Canada and have other signals that do not have to follow FIFO, this particular signal is created within the US and all historical trades show that it does follow the FIFO rules. In fact, the broker Forex.com has to follow FIFO in the US. 

I was wondering if you fix this problem and let my followers subscribe to this particular signal.



You can check the following (especially the thread):

FIFO rules: post
FIFO thread: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/355248
FIFO status script:
My account is FIFO when people try to subsribe they get a message that i do not follow FIFO rules Please HELP
My account is FIFO when people try to subsribe they get a message that i do not follow FIFO rules Please HELP
  • 2019.09.24
  • www.mql5.com
Hi Donald, I'm trying to subscribe to your signal. I'm using a account but I am unable to subscribe due to FIFO rules...