How to read a single cell from a CSV file? - page 2


@WilliamRoeder I attached the csv file earlier, it is just how it is shown on the Dataset.csv file with commas. 

I have changed the Predicted value to FileReadInteger but stilt no avail.

They were missing initially, now I've populated it with values of 0 but the output is the same as I mentioned above.

I am going to attach a longer version of the dataset here. The actual file is 49 MB. 

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, why is it so difficult to read a csv row and column value? 

I will be extremely grateful for any help. Thank you.

Dataset.csv  206 kb

Nevermind, I solved it with

string line_read[18][2]; //assign array of string that will store 10 columns 100 rows of csv data
      int rows=0,col=0; //column and row pointer for the array
      handle=FileOpen("Dataset.csv",FILE_CSV|FILE_READ,","); //comma delimiter
        while(True) //loop through each cell
          string temp = FileReadString(handle); //read csv cell
          if(FileIsEnding(handle)) break; //FileIsEnding = End of File
          line_read[col][rows]=temp; //save reading result to array
          if(FileIsLineEnding(handle)) //FileIsLineEnding = End of Line
            col = 0; //reset col = 0 for the next row
            rows++; //next row
            col++; //next col of the same row
        Comment("File "+filename+" not found, the last error is ", GetLastError());
     Value = StrToInteger(line_read[15][1]);