Is it possible to access close[] array outside the Indicator Code ?


Dear Members

I am trying to use <MovingAverage.mqh> SimpleMA method in a Class.

I have defined arrayClose[] and used CopyClose to get closing prices into array.

However, when I use this array in SimpleMA(index,MAPeriod,arrayClose); it is returning 0.0 for SMA values.

Is it necessary to use SimpleMA in Indicator only?

if not then can a custom Close[] will work ?

below is the code

//| METHOD:       SimpleMovingAverage()
//| APPLICATION:  i.e Moving Average of Close Price. Returns the Average Price of Candle Close
double CCandlePattern::SimpleMovingAverage(int index)
    ArrayResize(aSMA,m_BarCount+1);     ArrayResize(aClose,m_BarCount+1);
    ArraySetAsSeries(aSMA,true);        ArraySetAsSeries(aClose,true);
  //--- Copy CLOSING Prices from mql close_array and check if copied correctly
    int copied = CopyClose(m_Symbol,m_TimeFrame,0,m_BarCount,aClose);
    if(copied < 0)
        Print(__FUNCTION__,": Error copying CopyClose Error Code ",GetLastError());
  //--- Calculate Simple Moving Average of Closing Prices    
    for(int i = 0; i < m_BarCount && !IsStopped(); i++)
        PrintFormat("Close[%s] = %s",(string)i,DoubleToString(aClose[i],_Digits));
        aSMA[i] = SimpleMA(i,m_SMAPeriod,aClose);
    double vSMAPrice = aSMA[index+1];
  } // END Of SimpleMovingAverage()
Anil Varma -:

Dear Members

I am trying to use <MovingAverage.mqh> SimpleMA method in a Class.

I have defined arrayClose[] and used CopyClose to get closing prices into array.

However, when I use this array in SimpleMA(index,MAPeriod,arrayClose); it is returning 0.0 for SMA values.

Is it necessary to use SimpleMA in Indicator only?

if not then can a custom Close[] will work ?

below is the code

The SimpleMA function doesn't check the AS_SERIES Flag. So instead use the SimpleMAonBuffer function.
Navdeep Singh:
The SimpleMA function doesn't check the AS_SERIES Flag. So instead use the SimpleMAonBuffer function.

Thanks Navdeep

I think I read somewhere in the forum SimpleMAOnBuffer does not work with MQL5 !!!

Anil Varma -:

Thanks Navdeep

I think I read somewhere in the forum SimpleMAOnBuffer does not work with MQL5 !!!

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_plots 1

#property indicator_type1 DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1 clrRed

#include <MovingAverages.mqh>

input int inpPeriod = 14;

double bufferMa[];

int OnInit(void)

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime& time[],
                const double& open[],
                const double& high[],
                const double& low[],
                const double& close[],
                const long& tick_volume[],
                const long& volume[],
                const int& spread[])
   if(!ArrayGetAsSeries(close)) ArraySetAsSeries(close,true);

Working corectly


Navdeep Singh #:

Working corectly

Yeh I have been trying to check on forum too and found few examples of it.

I have created the one as below for Normalized Volume. It stills works slow though now I have got latest bar displayed.

Is it volume (tick or real) or input period (55) causing it to be SLOW ? Also noticed that if I put 3 versions of different MA Mode, graphical display is still same of the first mode used !!! see the screen shot below

Thanks for your inputs. I am going to try it on another indicator for MASlope and see how it works.

//| Ci_NormVolume.mq5
  #property description "Normalized Volume"

  #include <MovingAverages.mqh>
  #property indicator_separate_window
  #property indicator_buffers 4
  #property indicator_plots   1
  #property indicator_color1  clrGreen,clrRed
//| Define Input Parameters
  input int                   Inp_MAPeriod      = 55;           // Averaging Period
  input ENUM_MA_METHOD        Inp_MAMethod      = MODE_LWMA;    // Averaging Method
  input ENUM_APPLIED_VOLUME   Inp_AppliedVolume = VOLUME_TICK;  // Applied Volume Type
  input int                   Inp_Threshold     = 150;          // 
        int                   Inp_Digits        = 0;
//| Global Variables
  int    vMAPeriod;
//| Define Indicator Buffers for Data & Arrays for Indicator Calculation
  double Buffer_NormVolume[];
  double Buffer_Colors[];
  double Buffer_Volume[];
  double Buffer_VolumeMA[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function
void OnInit()
  //| Check Input Parameter Values and set them to Minimum Recommended, if required
    if(Inp_MAPeriod < 2)
        vMAPeriod = 55;
        PrintFormat("Parameter Inp_MAPeriod=%d. Min Recommended value=%d used for calculations.",Inp_MAPeriod,vMAPeriod);
      vMAPeriod = Inp_MAPeriod;
  //| Indicator SubWindow common 'properties' (used instead of #property)
    IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"AKT Normalize Volume ("+(string)vMAPeriod+" / "+EnumToString(Inp_MAMethod)+") ");
    IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS,Inp_Digits);          // Set n digits for Normalize Volume
    //--- LEVELS
  //| Indicator Buffers mapping / binding
  //| Plot Indicator Lables in SubWindow (used instead of #property)
    PlotIndexSetString(0,PLOT_LABEL,"Norm Vol ("+string(vMAPeriod)+")");
  //--- indexes draw begin settings
//| MAIN Iteration function for Custom Normalize Volume Indicator
int OnCalculate(const int       rates_total,
                const int       prev_calculated,
                const datetime  &time[],
                const double    &open[],
                const double    &high[],
                const double    &low[],
                const double    &close[],
                const long      &tick_volume[],
                const long      &volume[],
                const int       &spread[])
    //ulong start = GetMicrosecondCount();                      // CALCULATION START TIME
  //| Loop to FILL Applied Volume values into Buffer_Volume
    if(prev_calculated == 0)
        Buffer_Volume[0] = 0.00;                             // Set zero value to Index[0]

    int vPos;
    if(prev_calculated == 0)
      vPos = 1;                                               // Start filling from Index[1]
      vPos = prev_calculated - 1;                             // Start filling from Last Index in array

    for(int i = vPos; i < rates_total && !IsStopped(); i++)
        if(Inp_AppliedVolume == VOLUME_TICK)
          Buffer_Volume[i] = (double)tick_volume[i];
          Buffer_Volume[i] = (double)volume[i];
  //| Loop to calculate Normalized (Smoothed) Values of the Volume
    int vBegin = 0;                                           // Index starting from which data for smoothing available

        case MODE_EMA   : if(ExponentialMAOnBuffer(rates_total,prev_calculated,vBegin,vMAPeriod,
                             Buffer_Volume,Buffer_VolumeMA    // Source & Target Buffer to Calculate Averaged Values
                             )==0) return 0;
        case MODE_LWMA  : if(LinearWeightedMAOnBuffer(rates_total,prev_calculated,vBegin,vMAPeriod,
                             Buffer_Volume,Buffer_VolumeMA    // Source & Target Buffer to Calculate Averaged Values
                             )==0) return 0;
        //--- Default mode SMA
        default         : if(SimpleMAOnBuffer(rates_total,prev_calculated,vBegin,vMAPeriod,
                             Buffer_Volume,Buffer_VolumeMA    // Source & Target Buffer to Calculate Averaged Values
                             )==0) return 0;
  //| Color Index Indicator bars based on Threshold Limit
    for(int i = vPos; i < rates_total && !IsStopped(); i++)
        Buffer_NormVolume[i] = NormalizeDouble(Buffer_VolumeMA[i],Inp_Digits);
        Buffer_Colors[i]     = (Buffer_NormVolume[i] < Inp_Threshold ? 1:0);
    //ulong finish = GetMicrosecondCount();                   // CALCULATION END TIME
    //PrintFormat("%s in %s took %.1f ms",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,(finish-start)/1000); // Get Calculation time used by the indicator
  //--- OnCalculate done, return new prev_calculated.
  } // END Of Ci_NormVolume indicator calculation
Normalize Volume Indicator
Anil Varma - #:

Yeh I have been trying to check on forum too and found few examples of it.

I have created the one as below for Normalized Volume. It stills works slow though now I have got latest bar displayed. Is it volume (tick or real) or input period (55) causing it to be SLOW ?

Thanks for your inputs. I am going to try it on another indicator for MASlope and see how it works.

Run your code on profiler and see what's consuming more resources

Code profiling - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
Code profiling - Developing programs - MetaEditor Help
Profiling means collecting program parameters during its execution. During a profiling, the execution time and the number of calls of individual...
Navdeep Singh #:

Run your code on profiler and see what's consuming more resources

Seems it is the MA Code itself consuming a lot of CPU ...

Normalize Volume Profiler

Anil Varma - #:

Seems it is the MA Code itself consuming a lot of CPU ...

In that case you can write your own custom functions to optimize the code
Navdeep Singh #:
In that case you can write your own custom functions to optimize the code

Thanks Navdeep

However as I am not an expert coder, this does not help me much :).