Market Product rating calculation now includes description quality - page 5

yes nobody understand this...if i look in top 10 first side almost all eas are not using anything of the rules..not good description use smileys..give cashback for reviews and so one understand this
Raphael Schwietering #:
yes nobody understand this...if i look in top 10 first side almost all eas are not using anything of the rules..not good description use smileys..give cashback for reviews and so one understand this

I was first for 1 month and I find myself 11 em for bad description without changing anything.

Of course the "Service Desk" does not answer .... and no one of the admin here does not answer.

It is not a coincidence.

I just think the system is voluntarily done

It makes it possible to rotate the places, and that the same do not remain first constantly.

I see Eas in front of me or the sellers gives free Eas :) ask that we contact in private to have false reviews .... pay customers to have false reviews !!!!

You will not believe me that MQL5 do not see the false reviews ....
On the other hand they hide real

Some are first with 1 evaluation !! I have more than 30 with 100% of 5 stars.

The desk service and very selective, when it interests them they respond quickly, and there are requests that will never be answered, why :)

I think we fight against the wind ... it will not take anything. They do exactly what they want.
It's not a system failure, otherwise they would do one to explain that there is a concern, and they would answer the "service desk"


An example of problem calculation on the reviews and the stars



Well, I think I have to go back to the school to learn to count ....

Moderators note: Do not include links to or refer to specific market products in your posts.
I agree with Guillaume above that the review rating is not working as we would expect. It could be so that these 1 star reviews are updated reviews which from the beginning were higher and that for some reason changes in amount of stars are not taken under consideration. In any case I would like an explanation from Metaquotes. Maybe there is some logical reason for this.

Would anyone be kind enough to tell me the reason why EA <Deleted> was downgraded due to poor descriptions?

I feel that I have followed all the instructions on how to write correctly and I did not find any errors that violate these provisions.

Thank you before.





We have updated Market rules regarding product descriptions more than two months ago. Sellers have had enough time to correct their product descriptions:

I have complied with all the instructions and regulations above, but my product is still being downgraded.



Sugianto #:

I have complied with all the instructions and regulations above, but my product is still being downgraded.

You don't have description in all languages, this is a major issue.

Also all these numbered paragraphs with the +++ don't help, try to write normal paragraphed text, only bullets and numbers does not improve rating.
Eleni Anna Branou #:

You don't have description in all languages, this is a major issue.

Also all these numbered paragraphs with the +++ don't help, try to write normal paragraphed text, only bullets and numbers does not improve rating.

Hi Anna,

Thank you for being willing to answer my question.

I tried to follow your suggestion, by changing the "+" to Bullet.


But the rating has not changed. Looks like I have to hire a Russian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish translator so that the rating can increase.


Thank you for the suggestions and input.



Sugianto #:

Hi Anna,

Thank you for being willing to answer my question.

I tried to follow your suggestion, by changing the "+" to Bullet.

But the rating has not changed. Looks like I have to hire a Russian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish translator so that the rating can increase.

Thank you for the suggestions and input.



As I have understood it the rating procedure is running once a day. So please have a look again after at least 24 hours.

Sugianto #:

Hi Anna,

Thank you for being willing to answer my question.

I tried to follow your suggestion, by changing the "+" to Bullet.

But the rating has not changed. Looks like I have to hire a Russian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish translator so that the rating can increase.

Thank you for the suggestions and input.



Changing to bullets won't change much things, try to write larger paragraphs rather than bulleting everything.

Also you can translate your descriptions with google translate or a some similar service, its much better than have only English descriptions.

Finally as Jan already pointed out, rating is updated every few hours or 1-2 days, so don't wait to change instantly.