Discussion of article "Better Programmer (Part 01): You must stop doing these 5 things to become successful MQL5 programmer"


New article Better Programmer (Part 01): You must stop doing these 5 things to become successful MQL5 programmer has been published:

There are a lot of bad habits that newbies and even advanced programmers are doing that are keeping them from becoming the best they can be to their coding career. We are going to discuss and address them in this article. This article is a must read for everyone who wants to become successful developer in MQL5.

Before you want to fix problem in your code make sure you seek to know why you have the problem. Knowing this will help you ask better questions in the forum rather than dragging down your code waiting for a code in exchange to fix the problem that has been caused by you not fully knowing what and why is that you are coding. For example, me on the image above: first of all I copied the code somewhere else hoping to change the chart template by that, not fully knowing and understanding the standard library chart—that's why I ended up saying the Library is not working.

Once you stumble upon a problem or an error, make sure you fully know the library and the code you have that's not working. There are several ways to do that on MQL5, the two main of them being

  • MQL5 documentation
  • Forum

MQL5 documentation:

Lucky for us we have the whole documentation at our finger tips and there is no need to be online on search engines. Professional Programmers know this but for noobs here is where and how to access it very quickly: Open MetaEditor, then go to Help section and click on the dropdown option MQl5 Reference and there you have it.


Author: Omega J Msigwa

You're awesome Omega. Thank you for sharing this excellent value freely. This kind of action makes this a better community and I believe what goes around comes around. Wishing you good things!!

thanks for the valuable pointers.