How to close a candle with time in msc?



I am using MQLTIck to add custom ticks to chart

         MqlTick   tick[  1  ];  
         tick[  0  ].ask = Getask;  
         tick[  0  ].bid = GetBid;  
         tick[  0  ].time =   TimeGMT  ()-  9  ;   //GMT minus 9 seconds  
         tick[  0  ].time_msc=  0  ;  

to fetch the candlestick from Websocket,

My broker opens a candle at GMT - 9 seconds (working fine)

and closes a candle at GMT - 9.999 seconds where 999 is in milliseconds

If i set GMT - 9 then there is slight difference in close price,

I want to set candle Close time to GMT - 9.999 seconds

How can i do that?
