How do I reset number of activations on an EA or indicator I bought? - page 2

lueny_toons #:
There is ALWAYS a way…, mate. Don’t penalised us for something that might be expensive to implement. We became loyal users of the sellers EAs/indicators but get the bitter end with such flawed activation nonsense. And after being made aware of such nonsense the sellers couldn’t be bothered to find better solutions and still INSIST we buy more activations when in fact I KNOW that I deserve my moneys worth. I’m being robbed for something no fault of mine! This isn’t the way to approach a flawed system and push the blame on us. You need to find solutions to enable us to continue using the tool. Anyway, I hv since moved on and this terrible experience taught me to never again buy anything from Mktplace that has these activation limitations cause history will definitely repeat itself. I don’t want to relive this harrowing experience again. I’m out…

get over it. There are many others like you and me that will not buy an ea from here again for the same reasons that you have, but i have bought 2 of 3 eas that I found on marketplace from the sellers but away from this site. All you have to do is ask the seller if they will sell it to you elsewhere. If they say no, then, it is their loss. I regularly format my computer so the activation crap does not work for me, but I have got all my eas and indicators from elsewhere for years and years, and almost all of them I found on this site and bought them from the sellers directly.