Unavailable symbol error on the same broker



i have registered as a signal provider and my broker is STP Trading-live

when i told my customers to buy my signals they received a strange message and when the paid they didn't get the signal 
here is the message:
copying of trade operation is not guaranteed . the following symbols are not available on your account EURUSD.stp  USDCAD.stp   it is recommended to use signals with matching trading conditions

and we are both are in STP Trading broker with same meta traders. me as the signal provider and him as the receiver are both using STP Trading broker. how is that possible on the same broker.


I do not know about this message ... but you can ask your customers to accept all the symbols in the Market Watch, and to look at Metatrader journal (or in MQL5 VPS journal in case they are using MQL5 VPS).
Because it may be related to the mapping (the mapping is the standard reafure in the Signal service).

More information - read this small thread:

("no symbol found"; forex symbols)
Signal problem: position skipped as no symbol found
Signal problem: position skipped as no symbol found
  • 2021.04.19
  • www.mql5.com
Hello, I am having a very annoying problem...
i have checked that but still not working

How is it possible the accounts are from the same broker how is it possible that the symbol is not available?
Erfan Shayan:
i have checked that but still not working

How is it possible the accounts are from the same broker how is it possible that the symbol is not available?

What is written in the logs (journal)?
Is it written something as "... position XXXX skipped as no symbol found"?
Did you customer accept all the symbols in the Market Watch? And how do you know that he accepted all the symbols?

Because if it is mapping case so it will not work.
And yes, it is possible for same broker.
It is what I am talking about (mapping):

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signal Symbols not mapping

Sergey Golubev, 2019.04.17 21:34



The Provider has trading symbol called GOLD, and my broker has the same instrument, but it is called XAUUSD. Are trades on GOLD copied to XAUUSD in that case?

    The Provider has trading symbol called GOLD, and my broker has the same instrument, but it is called XAUUSD. Are trades on GOLD copied to XAUUSD in that case?

    If a Subscriber's account has a symbol with the same name as the one on the Provider's account, and trading is fully allowed for the symbol, trades will be copied for this symbol. If trading is allowed partially or disabled for the found symbol, this symbol is considered inappropriate for copying, and the system will continue to search for a suitable symbol:

    1. On the Subscriber's account, the system searches for all symbols with the names coinciding with the Provider's symbol by the first 6 characters. For example, EURUSD == EURUSDxxx == EURUSDyyy.
    2. Full permission to perform trading is checked for each detected symbol. If trading is allowed partially or completely forbidden, such a symbol is discarded.
    3. Margin calculation type is checked for each remaining symbol - if it is Forex, a symbol is considered to be suitable. Symbols of CFD, Futures or other calculation types are discarded.
    4. If no symbols remain after conducting all the checks or more than one symbol is found, it is considered that a symbol mapping attempt has failed and it is impossible to copy Provider's trades for that symbol.
    5. If one suitable symbol is found, it is used for copying Provider's trades.

    The algorithm provides only two exceptions for metal symbols:

    1. XAUUSD == GOLD

    In these two cases, only full permission to perform trades is checked. If such permission is present, the mapping attempt is considered to be successful.

    Example 1: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – on EURUSD! (or vice versa) with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

    Example 2: A Provider has positions on EURUSD, while a Subscriber – both on EURUSD! and EURUSD. The copying is performed for EURUSD.

    Example 3: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with full trading permission. The terminal performs mapping automatically and copies the trades.

    Example 4: A Provider has positions on GOLD, while a Subscriber – on XAUUSD with close-only (partial) trading permission. The mapping is considered unsuccessful and no copying is performed.

Erfan Shayan:
i have checked that but still not working

How is it possible the accounts are from the same broker how is it possible that the symbol is not available?
Besides, some brokers may have/propose the different symbols for different locations of the traders.
Sergey Golubev:

What is written in the logs (journal)?
Is it written something as "... position XXXX skipped as no symbol found"?
Did you customer accept all the symbols in the Market Watch? And how do you know that he accepted all the symbols?

Because if it is mapping case so it will not work.
And yes, it is possible for same broker.
It is what I am talking about (mapping):

Really nothing is written in the logs. nothing happens at all.
i know because i have access to both accounts and i can check personally.
please guide me how to fix it

Erfan Shayan:

Really nothing is written in the logs. nothing happens at all.
i know because i have access to both accounts and i can check personally.
please guide me how to fix it

I posted all the information which I know and which I found on the forum (the subscription was started with copy trades, right?).
Because if it is related to the mapping so no one can fix it (it is necessary to use the other broker or the other trading account type of this broker for example).

You can check everything once again - because you only can check the MarketWatch symbols and you only can read/find the logs when the copy trading was started (we on the forum do not have any access to your Metatrader and your trading accounts for example).
Erfan Shayan :

You can get some additional information:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Discussion of article "Calculator of signals"

Vladimir Karputov, 2019.10.16 16:13

Related topic Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service .

There is item 13:

I came up with a script that searches the first six characters and displays information: they say there is a limitation or not.

An example of such a listing:

--- START ---
XAUUSD -> no trade restrictions, mode Forex
--- END ---
--- START ---
USDRUR -> there are trade restrictions, mode NO Forex
USDRUR_i -> there are trade restrictions, mode NO Forex
--- END ---


//|                                                 SymbolsTotal.mq5 |
//|                         Copyright © 2016-2019, Vladimir Karputov |
//|                                           http://wmua.ru/slesar/ |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2016-2019, Vladimir Karputov"
#property link      "http://wmua.ru/slesar/"
#property version   "1.005"
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input string InpSearched = "XAUUSD"; // What is searched
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   string no_rest=(TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE)=="Russian")?
                  "нет ограничений на торговые операции":
                  "no trade restrictions";
   string rest=(TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE)=="Russian")?
               "есть ограничения на торговые операции":
               "there are trade restrictions";
   int symbols_total=SymbolsTotal(false);
   Print("--- START ---");
   for(int i=0; i<symbols_total; i++)
      string name=SymbolName(i,false);
         //--- trading mode is checked
         long trade_mode=SymbolInfoInteger(name,SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE);
         string text="";
            text=text+", mode Forex";
            text=text+", mode NO Forex";
         Print(name," -> ",text);
   Print("--- END ---");


//|                                                 SymbolsTotal.mq4 |
//|                         Copyright © 2016-2019, Vladimir Karputov |
//|                                           http://wmua.ru/slesar/ |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2016-2019, Vladimir Karputov"
#property link      "http://wmua.ru/slesar/"
#property version   "1.005"
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input string InpSearched = "XAUUSD"; // What is searched
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   string no_rest=(TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE)=="Russian")?
                  "нет ограничений на торговые операции":
                  "no trade restrictions";
   string rest=(TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_LANGUAGE)=="Russian")?
               "есть ограничения на торговые операции":
               "there are trade restrictions";
   int symbols_total=SymbolsTotal(false);
   Print("--- START ---");
   for(int i=0; i<symbols_total; i++)
      string name=SymbolName(i,false);
         //--- trading mode is checked
         long trade_mode=SymbolInfoInteger(name,SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE);
         string text="";
            text=text+", mode Forex";
            text=text+", mode NO Forex";
         Print(name," -> ",text);
   Print("--- END ---");