I propose the minimum price for 1 month rentals in the Market to be lowered to $10 - page 2

Eleni Anna Branou:

Since the increase of the minimum market price for products to $30 some 2 years now, there has been an imbalance between old and new sellers and published products.

Older sellers that have published their products before this increase, they still offer 1 (or other period) month rentals or even unlimited use purchases for their products of $10 or $15.

Newer sellers don't have that option and are forced to put as a minimum price even for 1 month rentals the $30 minimum price.

As we all understand this is unfair because older products are more attractive, being easier to try out for 1 month at a lower price.

MQL5.com has announced some new measures for the Market lately, discontinuing the use of demo products, proposing at the same price to sellers to use a low price for 1 month rentals to give the buyers the option to try their products.

When some products are sold for unlimited use at $30, $40 or $50, anyone can see that a $30 price for 1 month rental is not logical.

true word

Totally agree with this, the $30 is pretty excessive.
Keith Watford:
I wholeheartedly second that.
I too support this these quotes should be offered from as low as USD10

And they also forget the countries FXRates. Here in Brazil is 5.5:1

It is a TON of money.