Can't login trade account MT5 on Mac



I am trying to login into MT5 for the first time and it won't acknowledge my login details. Keep receiving a 'boink' sound. Have definitely double-checked many times everything is case sensitive and accurate. My broker confirms they have successfully logged into my account on their end with the login details they provided me, though through the windows version. Has anyone had difficulty with MT5 not recognizing their broker's server on a Mac? Could this be due to my iOs? I'm currently running 10.15.17

Thanks in advance for any insight offered!


Maybe server name is incorrect. You can set server URL with port (if any) instead of server name
Nguyen Phuong Hoang:
Maybe server name is incorrect. You can set server URL with port (if any) instead of server name
Hey thanks for the response! What do you mean set server URL with port?