User didn't leave any comment to the rating

Hi everyone

In the market, in some products, the "review" section, for some users, the following sentence is written.

"    User didn't leave any comment to the rating   "

What does this mean ?
Why can't we see that person's review ?
What is the problem ?


Julian Brandstaetter: In the market, in some products, the "review" section, for some users, the following sentence is written: "User didn't leave any comment to the rating" What does this mean? Why can't we see that person's review? What is the problem?

There is no problem! The user simply did not write anything in his comment and only gave a star-rating! Its that simple and that obvious!
Fernando Carreiro:
There is no problem! The user simply did not write anything in his comment and only gave a star-rating! Its that simple and that obvious!

No, not even user's stars are visible.

Julian Brandstaetter: No, not even user's stars are visible.

Strange! It used to show it before, if I remember correctly! It could be a recent website bug, maybe!

Hopefully a moderator with connections to the admins will report this, in case it is a bug!

Julian Brandstaetter:

No, not even user's stars are visible.

The review system has been changed recently in order to prevent fake reviews.

Now the stars are visible after a small period.

Eleni Anna Branou:

The review system has been changed recently in order to prevent fake reviews.

Now the stars are visible after a small period.

good,thank you



This is an old thread, but the cause of so many  "    User didn't leave any comment to the rating   "  without stars, is still not explained.

Eleni answer above don't explains it, because that are many comments like that with months or years.

Anyone knows?