stop limit orders - page 2

Carl Schreiber:
With a stop-limit-order you can wait for a break of a e.g. high to buy a little below it. This way you can buy below the bid of the break out. I thought you were looking for something like that. Of course in a few cases you will miss this entry if the price rushes upwards immediately.

I agree, but my problem with the broker was that after reach the stop value, the broker did not send the limit order.

Ricardo Rodrigues Lucca:

Hi there,

I'd like to know something about stop limit orders. I have been using stop ordens to buy at market in some point, but I'd like to buy only until a value so I started to change to stop limit orders.

What I was expecting from buy stop limit? I was expecting that when the price hit the value the buy stop limit be replaced by a buy limit until it be done.

What happens? And why I started to have doubts?

The price has been below X value, I add a buy stop limit order at X with limit at X too. After, I saw that price went to X plus 10 ticks and my buy stop limit order do not changed into a buy limit and it kept an yellow background (similar to missing liquidity). My questions is why this order is not replaced by an limit order? May I do something to make this behavior happens? Should I change broker?

Thank you

I use this MQL5 Code to close all Positions and orders: :)

#include <Trade/Trade.mqh>
CTrade trade;

int OnInit()
  int i=PositionsTotal()-1;
   while (i>=0)
      if (trade.PositionClose(PositionGetSymbol(i))) i--;
 double j=OrdersTotal()-1;
 if(trade.OrderDelete(OrderGetTicket(j))) j--;

void OnDeinit(const int reason)


void OnTick()


The market's volatility may also have a part to play with it or even too many orders waiting at that level thereby not filling yours