I need to make my EA open trades on multiple symbols

Hello everybody!

I have a problem:

I need to make my EA open a trade only when there is no other trade open on that same symbol, and I want to use the same EA on multiple symbols.

if( (MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD)<= MS) && (OrdersTotal()==0) ) OpenTrade();

This is the filter that I placed to open operations, it works very well for me in 1 symbol, but when I want it to open operations in several symbols it does not.

The "OpenTrade ()" function contains the opening strategy, and I also limit the spread with which the trade will open.

Can you help me, please?

OrdersTotal() is the count on all charts. You need to loop through the orders and count how many are on the current chart.
I recommend: Do not trade multiple currencies in one EA.
  1. You can't use any {MT4: predefined variables, MT5: predefined variables,}
  2. Must poll (not OnTick, unless you use specific indicators)
              The Implementation of a Multi-currency Mode in MetaTrader 5 - MQL5 Articles 18 February 2011
  3. and usually other problems, e.g. A problem with iBarShift - MQL4 programming forum - Page 2
  4. You must handle History {MT4:4066/4073 errors: Download history in MQL4 EA - MQL4 programming forum, MT5: Timeseries and Indicators Access /  Data Access - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5.}
  5. Code it to trade the chart pair only. Look at the others if you must. Don't assume that Time[i] == iTime(otherPair, TF, i) always use iBarShift.
  6. Then put it on other charts to trade the other pairs. Done.
Thanks a lot!


I solved everything with this function.


int OPENOP ()
    int OpenOp = 0;
    for(int a=0; a<OrdersTotal(); a++)  //busca todas las operaciones abiertas de la cuenta, si las hay.
        if(!OrderSelect(a,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))continue;   //selecciona las operaciones abiertas.
        if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magic)   //verifica si pertenecen al gráfico actual.
            OpenOp++; //obtiene la cantidad de operaciones abiertas del gráfico actual.
       } //Cierre de "for" "a".

I hope to help someone else.