Published Charts Disappeared

More than 400 charts have disappeared from my upload under the "Charts" link in my profile. These charts from June 17, 2019 to August 20, 2020 have disappeared without a trace; even with a search on the community's charts repertoire turns up nothing within that time period. 

Do not double post!

I have deleted your duplicate post!

Keith Watford:

Do not double post!

I have deleted your duplicate post!

Where was the double post? How about an attempt for actual help?

Kareim A.: Where was the double post? How about an attempt for actual help?

Maybe you don’t realise this, but the moderators are just normal users like you or me. They are not site admins nor MetaQuotes employees.  Moderators unfortunately cannot do much more than simply moderate the forum!

That said, this website regularly has problems, many of which we only find out about when someone like yourself reports them. When that happens all we can do is tell others about it, but neither we nor the moderators can do anything about it, and we just sit and wait until some admin spots the problem and it gets their attention.

You can try contacting the Service Desk, but most of the time they end up ignoring the message or directing users back onto the forum with nothing being resolved.

Some bugs get detected and fixed after a few days, some take weeks or months, and others persist till this day and have yet to be fixed.

Unfortunately, that is the current sad state of affairs. Let’s hope a pass-a-by admin spots your post and gives you an answer.

Fernando Carreiro:

Maybe you don’t realise this, but the moderators are just normal users like you or me. They are not site admins nor MetaQuotes employees.  Moderators unfortunately cannot do much more than simply moderate the forum!

That said, this website regularly has problems, many of which we only find out about when someone like yourself reports them. When that happens all we can do is tell others about it, but neither we nor the moderators can do anything about it, and we just sit and wait until some admin spots the problem and it gets their attention.

You can try contacting the Service Desk, but most of the time they end up ignoring the message or directing users back onto the forum with nothing being resolved.

Some bugs get detected and fixed after a few days, some take weeks or months, and others persist till this day and have yet to be fixed.

Unfortunately, that is the current sad state of affairs. Let’s hope a pass-a-by admin spots your post and gives you an answer.

I understand the role of moderators and your clarification is further appreciated. They also have a role of showing restraint in commanding others to do or not do things especially, when things happen inadvertently and cause no problems for anyone. The choice of language is key in keeping forums respectful. Just like you showed in your response which I am grateful for. Your response also added much needed information and experience unlike the previous, the role of a great moderator, thank you.

In regards to the issue, I am so dismayed about this; work that I believed to be in good hands on this platform has disappeared, I have sent a request via "Contacts & Requests" and I am hopeful. I think more people will come forward and recognize that a lot of charts from 2019 and 2020 during that same time period have also disappeared form the general repertoire. The two brokers that I used to upload those charts from have not been helpful and have no idea how to help in this regard.

Thank you again Fernando.

Kareim A.:I understand the role of moderators and your clarification is further appreciated. They also have a role of showing restraint in commanding others to do or not do things especially, when things happen inadvertently and cause no problems for anyone. The choice of language is key in keeping forums respectful. Just like you showed in your response which I am grateful for. Your response also added much needed information and experience unlike the previous, the role of a great moderator, thank you.

Imagine yourself as moderator, being faced with every 5th user double, triple or multi-posting their request or grievance (not to mention all the other drama that takes place), and you as an unpaid moderator calling them out day-in and day-out, non-stop. I am sure that after a while you will be so tired of it that all, that the only thing that comes out are very short curt phrases. Deep down they ask themselves - Why on earth am I doing this? Why am I wasting my precious time dealing with all this nonsense?

So, please bare with them! They have it rough! And yet, they stick around and try to do their best!

Fernando Carreiro:

Imagine yourself as moderator, being faced with every 5th user double, triple or multi-posting their request or grievance (not to mention all the other drama that takes place), and you as an unpaid moderator calling them out day-in and day-out, non-stop. I am sure that after a while you will be so tired of it that all, that the only thing that comes out are very short curt phrases. Deep down they ask themselves - Why on earth am I doing this? Why am I wasting my precious time dealing with all this nonsense?

So, please bare with them! They have it rough! And yet, they stick around and try to do their best!

I appreciate that fully and will be more careful and compassionate in my responses in the future. THANK YOU!

Keith Watford:

Do not double post!

I have deleted your duplicate post!

Kareim A.:

Where was the double post? How about an attempt for actual help?

The duplicate post was in another topic, you won't find it now because I have deleted it.

There is nothing that I can do to help with your issue.

Kareim A

.:.....when things happen inadvertently and cause no problems for anyone. The choice of language is key in keeping forums respectful.......

People double posting can and does cause problems.

Have you any idea how annoying and frustrating it is to spend time replying to someone and then find that person has double posted and somebody else has already replied giving the same answer?

No need to say anymore as Fernando has just about said it all.

Keith Watford:

The duplicate post was in another topic, you won't find it now because I have deleted it.

There is nothing that I can do to help with your issue.

People double posting can and does cause problems.

Have you any idea how annoying and frustrating it is to spend time replying to someone and then find that person has double posted and somebody else has already replied giving the same answer?

No need to say anymore as Fernando has just about said it all.

Yeah I get it, there was no need to hear back from you after my thread above.
Kareim A.:
Yeah I get it, there was no need to hear back from you after my thread above.

You asked the question.

Kareim A.:

Where was the double post? 

Kareim A.:
Yeah I get it, there was no need to hear back from you after my thread above.

Why did you report me for abuse?

Keith Watford:

The duplicate post was in another topic, you won't find it now because I have deleted it.

There is nothing that I can do to help with your issue.

People double posting can and does cause problems.

Have you any idea how annoying and frustrating it is to spend time replying to someone and then find that person has double posted and somebody else has already replied giving the same answer?

No need to say anymore as Fernando has just about said it all.

What was abusive about my above reply?