

I need help with this code. It'll sell fine but it won't buy.

There's no errors or warnings.

Code is.


mmee55 :

I need help with this code. It'll sell fine but it won't buy.

There's no errors or warnings.

Code is.


Please insert the code correctly: when editing a post, use the button Code- when the popup appears, paste your code into that popup.

input int    MA_Period             = 14;              
input double indicator_level1      = 30;  
input double indicator_level2      = 70;           

int OnInit()
    RSI = iRSI(NULL,0,MA_Period,MA_Price);
      Print(" Failed to get the handle of the iRSI indicator");
//--- initialization end
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   if(reason==REASON_REMOVE) return;
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   double rsi1[] ;CloseOrders();
   double RSIMA    = MA_Period;
   double Ask =  (SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
   double Bid =  (SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
    Buy=( RSIMA > rsilevel1);
      Sell=(RSIMA < rsilevel2)


1. please use #property strict at the top of your source file.

2. then you will see, that some vars are not declared and some parts of
our code make no sense.

3. in my opinion your code should look like this:

void OnTick()
        bool Buy = false;
        bool Sell = false;
        double RSIValue;

        RSIValue = iRSI(NULL, 0, MA_Period, MA_Price, 0);

        if (RSIValue > indicator_level1) Buy = true;
        if (RSIValue < indicator_level2) Sell = true;

I hope, this will help you.

Best regards

Werner Klehr:

1. please use #property strict at the top of your source file.

Strict does nothing in MQL5.

Keith Watford:

Strict does nothing in MQL5.

Hi Keith,

can you tell me, how you identfy the code as MQL5 code?

In my opinion mmee55 uses MQL4 without #property strict to compile the code - it's the
only way to compile it wihtout errors as he wrote - maybe I'm wrong ...

Best regards

Werner Klehr:

Hi Keith,

can you tell me, how you identfy the code as MQL5 code?

    RSI = iRSI(NULL,0,MA_Period,MA_Price);
      Print(" Failed to get the handle of the iRSI indicator");

You don't create a handle in OnInit for iRSI in MQL4. You just get the RSI value direct without using CopyBuffer.

Keith Watford:

You don't create a handle in OnInit for iRSI in MQL4. You just get the RSI value direct without using CopyBuffer.

Okay - thanks.
Werner Klehr: can you tell me, how you identfy the code as MQL5 code? In my opinion mmee55 uses MQL4 without #property strict to compile the code - it's the

only way to compile it wihtout errors as he wrote - maybe I'm wrong ...

Because it can be seen in @mmee55 code that he is initialising Indicator handles in OnInit(). That is an MQL5 functionality, not MQL4! He is also using "CopyBuffer()" which is an MQL5 function which MQL4 does not have.

And yes, his code does have many compile errors!

EDIT: Oops! Looks like Keith answered before I finished my post! No worries!