The same indicator with different settings - page 2

William Roeder:
  1. Not strange at all. A dash is the minus operation (as in v=a - b;). Can't use a dash in a variable name. What you named your variables is irrelevant. It is their value that's important.

  2. The indicator name contains a dash per your explorer screenshot.

  3. It is not in your folder.
  4. And don't call me Shirley.

ok, so what am I supposed to do?

William Roeder:
  1. Not strange at all. A dash is the minus operation (as in v=a - b;). Can't use a dash in a variable name. What you named your variables is irrelevant. It is their value that's important.

  2. The indicator name contains a dash per your explorer screenshot.

  3. It is not in your folder.
  4. And don't call me Shirley.

I got the mql4 code. Should I rename it into "i_Regr"?

William Roeder:
  1. Not strange at all. A dash is the minus operation (as in v=a - b;). Can't use a dash in a variable name. What you named your variables is irrelevant. It is their value that's important.

  2. The indicator name contains a dash per your explorer screenshot.

  3. It is not in your folder.
  4. And don't call me Shirley.

Dear William,

so I just re-named the indicator into "i_Regr" and now it works & can be opened! In order to have 3 different I-Regrs running in my EA, should I

1. Create 3 equally I-Regrs by simply saving them any time under a different name like i_Regr_1, i_Regr_2, i_Regr_3  and then

2. addressing them in the way I showed you before?

extern string
   i_Regr_1                  = "---i-Regr_Settings";
extern int degree_1         = 4;
extern double kstd_1        = 2.0;
extern int bars_1           = 120;
extern int shift_1          = 0;

extern string
   i_Regr_2                    = "---i-Regr_Settings";
extern int degree_2          = 4;
extern double kstd_2         = 2.0;
extern int bars_2            = 180;
extern int shift_2           = 0;

extern string
   i_Regr_3                    = "---i-Regr_Settings";
extern int degree_3          = 4;
extern double kstd_3         = 2.0;
extern int bars_3            = 240;
extern int shift_3           = 0;
William Roeder:
  1. Not strange at all. A dash is the minus operation (as in v=a - b;). Can't use a dash in a variable name. What you named your variables is irrelevant. It is their value that's important.

  2. The indicator name contains a dash per your explorer screenshot.

  3. It is not in your folder.
  4. And don't call me Shirley.

Bill I would never call you Shirley Temple! Just kidding! I figured it out! Thank you so much! But it was only possible with your help! You gave the crucial hint!

There is another issue I have trouble with coding. May be you can help me with this one too?: There is free indicator called tcftrandingtsf_free which I would like to implement into my EA. It has no properties and it looks like this:


How would I need to address the indicator?

 double tctrendingtsf_free1 = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"tctrendingtsf_free",1,shift1);  with 1 for green

 double tctrendingtsf_free2 = iCustom(Symbol(),0,"tctrendingtsf_free",2,shift2); and 2 for red?

Many thks in advance!