Derivative System Technologies Becomes MetaQuotes Software's Representative in South Africa


Recently MetaQuotes Software introduced MetaFintech as its new representative office in the UAE. The company now announces its further expansion: Derivative System Technologies will act as its agent in South Africa.

The new representative office will be responsible for the promotion of the MetaTrader trading platforms and the TeamWox business management system. The joint effort of MetaQuotes Software and Derivative System Technologies is aimed at increasing the MetaTrader customer base in this region and expanding the geography of sales. Potential customers of Derivative System Technologies are local banks and brokers. The new partner's priority plans include the integration of the MetaTrader 5 platform with the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and other African exchanges.

Derivative System Technologies Becomes MetaQuotes Software's Representative in South Africa

"We are happy to sign an agreement with MetaQuotes Software, which is the largest developer of software for financial markets", states André van der Walt, the head of Derivative System Technologies. "Since the establishment in 1999, our company has been successfully developing software for various brokerage firms and members of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange JSE. Derivative System Technologies team consists of experienced professionals, providing both software development services and technical support. In addition, we are well attuned to local peculiarities and know how to work with local customers. In combination with MetaQuotes' wide possibilities, this is the key to taking the leading position in the region."

Welcome to Africa Metaquotes!
Sounds Fantastic