Close button for dashboard.



I am creating a simple dashboard using ExtDialog with mql5 but the close button is not responding. 

#include <Controls\Dialog.mqh>
#include <Controls\Label.mqh>

CAppDialog        ExtDialog;
CLabel            lblLotSize;
int               m_chart_id=0;
int               m_subwin=0;

int OnInit()
   if(ExtDialog.Create(0, "test", m_subwin, 10, 30, 280, 300))


void createDashboard()
   int left=5;
   int top=5;
   int width=40;
   int height=25;
   int XGap=5;
   int YGap=5;
   int RowHight=18;

   if(lblLotSize.Create(m_chart_id, "lblLotSize", m_subwin, left, top, width, height))
      lblLotSize.Text("Lot size:");

Do you have any idea of how I can handle the button?

I can't find the solution on the documentation.



An example of creating a panel: [data folder] \ MQL5 \ Experts \ Examples \ Controls \ Controls.mq5