Agents keep disconnecting

My agents keep disconnecting from the cloud. How can I find the reason for this? I have 6 cores 16gb ram, 2 of the agents show disconnected. Is there a debug log to see why they disconnected?
I just checked MetaTester 5 Agents Manager build 2903 again and all of the agents are showing "disconnected" status. In windows task manager all 6 agents are still running using ram and small amount of cpu
Says running but the agents wont reconnect to the cloud. Any help?
Curation Station:
Says running but the agents wont reconnect to the cloud. Any help?

Same issue here - very little work seems to get assigned as a result.

How can we get the agents manager to keep agents connected to cloud?
Curation Station:
How can we get the agents manager to keep agents connected to cloud?

yeah, i have 0.0001 from yesterday, but i watched the agents for hours that day and the cpu and memory were being hammered for hours and hours, and all they give me is 0.0001. i think that is a joke. But there is over 31k cpus and only a couple k being used. Even if the software was working we would be screwed anyways.

over 1 month, all i got is $4
Curation Station:
I just checked MetaTester 5 Agents Manager build 2903 again and all of the agents are showing "disconnected" status. In windows task manager all 6 agents are still running using ram and small amount of cpu
2903 is a beta version. Don't use beta with the Cloud.
Alain Verleyen:
2903 is a beta version. Don't use beta with the Cloud.

I rolled it back last night to version 2875 and the agents still show "disconnected" running. I cannot get them to connect to cloud

Curation Station:

I rolled it back last night to version 2875 and the agents still show "disconnected" running. I cannot get them to connect to cloud

Please post a screenshot of your agents window.
Alain Verleyen:
Please post a screenshot of your agents window.

Ok I have an interesting result, I was trying to see if the problem was on my end so I changed my DNS servers to google's ( and and the Agents are now showing connected! If they disconnect momentarily I will post update. 

Alain Verleyen:
Please post a screenshot of your agents window.

Here is the screenshot, by the way the MetaTrader 5 Agents Manager seems to auto update to version 2903

I had to manually restart them and now again they show connected but maybe in a few minutes they will disconnect again. Will keep updated

Update: been about a minute and 3 agents disconnected, probably soon all will disconnect

Update: all the agents are disconnected
