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Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Rashid Umarov , 2015.05.27 12:42
The subscription is prohibited if the current drawdown exceeds 30%.Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies
Marsel , 2019.06.24 07:29
Equity drawdown is available for the entire equity history, the history volume is available on the corresponding chart.
The drawdown on the balance is determined for the entire history of trading.
more -
The Easy Way to Evaluate a Signal: Trading Activity, Drawdown/Load and MFE/MAE Distribution Charts - the article
Tips for Selecting a Trading Signal to Subscribe. Step-By-Step Guide - the article

- www.mql5.com
I am really confused about how can I know the true size of the Maximum drawdown and why is there a hidden period in these people's account stats? This is a really big problem, I am not yet sure if there is a way to know true size of the Maximum drawdown or not! But if I cannot know this disappeared period, this is really a very bad thing and it may cause someone to copy trades without knowing the true size of drawdown! and if the reason is that the trader changed his strategy, why not hide all the profit numbers as well? Now in this Account, I see a person who is not only successful, but a genius, 40% monthly profit and when I look at the drawdown, I find it only "(((4%)))". This means that he is a supernatural person and all accounts have a hidden period, so how can I benefit from these statistics if they are misleading?
You can never know the true maximum drawdown of a signal that hasn't been connected to MQL5.com from the very beginning of its trading history.
Signals with light blue line in growth and balance charts, are examples of this phenomenon.
The stated maximum drawdown in these cases, is the maximum drawdown of the period the signal was published (started) in MQL5.com.You can never know the true maximum drawdown of a signal that hasn't been connected to MQL5.com from the very beginning of its trading history.
Signals with light blue line in growth and balance charts, are examples of this phenomenon.
The stated maximum drawdown in these cases, is the maximum drawdown of the period the signal was published (started) in MQL5.com.okay. So why are there also profit stats? Why you publishe the Profits stats and the account not contacted to MQL5 also? If you apply this strict system, we will spend much less time when we are looking for the best signal and also you will prevent manipulation and fraud because there are accounts that work randomly until they get large profits in one of the accounts and then publish on MQL5, Please modify the site so you can get more people to copy. Make this place only for really professional people.
Because the people should know about what signal provider did before he coonnect his signal to the signal system.
.. will prevent manipulation and fraud ..
It is not a thrue.
We (the people) should know what the signal provider did before he connect his signal to the Signal system (and we all know: when provider connected his signal to the Signal system; which stats ge had, which stats he is having now; and whgat the difference, and more - all those particularities are written on the signal page of every provider).
Once the Signal system detects the different trading style for signal profider (which he did before connecting his account to the system and after that) so we all will see it. Because the automated robot will place the warning message to the signal provider's page.
Look at this tghread: Trading style has changed. Part of history is not included in statistics.
It is better if you remove the "Maximum drawdown" field, because it is no longer of value in the first place
I explained to you that the signal with more than 30% drawdown is not available for subscription. And if we (users) will not know the drawdown so we may lose money without this knowledge. So, your this suggestion is illegal.
Please modify the site so you can get more people to copy..
We are public forum moderators, and we can not modify any site.
But you are making the scamming suggestion here on the forum. Because if the MetaQuotes will use your suggestion so the people will lose money (because of you!).
Do not create unprofessional suggestions here because the people can lose money because of you, and you will be publicly responsible for it.
Next time I will ban you.
For information.

- 2021.02.02
- www.mql5.com
okay. So why are there also profit stats? Why you publishe the Profits stats and the account not contacted to MQL5 also? If you apply this strict system, we will spend much less time when we are looking for the best signal and also you will prevent manipulation and fraud because there are accounts that work randomly until they get large profits in one of the accounts and then publish on MQL5, Please modify the site so you can get more people to copy. Make this place only for really professional people.
All other statistics can be calculated based on the trading history that is present from the beginning, only the maximum drawdown can't be calculated.

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