Embed Metatrader 4/5 on website ( please help )


Hello guys, 

I've read this article: https://www.mql5.com/en/articles/3024 which explains the way how we can use embed MT4/5 on website. My client want this but heres a catch. Can we somewhere specify "auto-login" with read only password? 

Explanation: My client wants to show up his trades on website for users that are interested so they can browse around and see the stuff ( no edit the trades and etc ). 

I've proceed through the steps and were able to get the same result as in article by calling: https://trade.mql5.com/trade?callback&switch_platform=1&border=0&startup_version=5&demo_all_servers=1&user_token=0&startup_mode=create_demo

You can see it at: https://codepen.io/ma-rek/pen/dyNqrNo

Article goes around demo accounts which is okay, but not suitable as well. If we can somehow specify username and read only password in the called script that would be great. 

Anyone who have some form of experience or can tell me the golden secret by telling me "how to" ? :) 

If mentioned above isnt possible, how we can showcase a client "live trades" on website?

Thank you so much and have a great day! 

Regards, Marek

Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit
Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit
  • www.mql5.com
Traders are well familiar with the WebTerminal, which allows trading on financial markets straight from the browser. Add the WebTerminal widget to your website — you can do it absolutely free. If you have a website, you can start selling leads to brokers — we have prepared a ready-to-use web-based solution for you. All you need to do is embed one iframe into your website.

Hi you can make a widget in which they would only have to input the password, which is usually send by email.

Other options can be to create a signal and display it on your website.

If you want to try that please see: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/10251

Discussion of article "MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets"
Discussion of article "MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets"
  • 2013.01.25
  • www.mql5.com
New article MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 Trading Signals Widgets is published: Author: MetaQuotes...
Marco vd Heijden:

Hi you can make a widget in which they would only have to input the password, which is usually send by email.

Other options can be to create a signal and display it on your website.

If you want to try that please see: https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/10251

Thanks, I got it. But this actually doesnt solve a "problem". Cause as I can see, user needs to click on it and it will redirect him to for example here: <Deleted> ?source=Site+Signals+Widget

Which doesnt show current trades / profit / loss etc. 

Can you think of any other option that could help us in this case? "to showcase current trades with mentioned details for example." 

I know this type of request may be not standard which is totally fine, but I think that should be possible right? 


Yes you can code an EA that produces HTML and serve it along with the rest of your site but that is not a standard application it has to be coded specifically to meet your requirements.

It's not hard but it involves the time and work to code it.