Wrong values retrieved from indicator buffers


I just moved from mql4 to mql5 , and honestly mql4 was much easier then mql5 in most cases ,

anyhow i am trying to read  buffers values from an indicator , but it only shows me 0 instead of the actual buffer value.7

Here is my code :

#property version   "1.00"

int handle1 = 0;

double valu1,valu2,valu3,valu4;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer
   handle1 = iCustom(NULL, NULL, "LTD by KDMfx");
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer


//| Get indicator value                                              |
double GetIndicator(int handle, int buffer_num, int index)
   double arr[];
   if(CopyBuffer(handle, buffer_num, 0, index+1, arr) <= 0)
      for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
         if(BarsCalculated(handle) > 0)
      int copied = CopyBuffer(handle, buffer_num, 0, index+1, arr);
      if(copied <= 0)
         Print("CopyBuffer failed. Maybe history has not download yet? Error = ", GetLastError());
         return -1;
         return (arr[index]);

   return 0;

//|                                                                  |
void OnTick()
   valu1 = GetIndicator(handle1,0,4);
   valu2 = GetIndicator(handle1,1,4);
   valu3 = GetIndicator(handle1,2,4);
   valu4 = GetIndicator(handle1,3,4);
   Comment("b1: ", valu1,
            "\nb2: ", valu2,
               "\nb3: ", valu3,
                  "\nb4: ", valu4 


what am i doing wrong here ?


I just moved from mql4 to mql5 , and honestly mql4 was much easier then mql5 in most cases ,

It's also easier to drive a car than a plane.

anyhow i am trying to read  buffers values from an indicator , but it only shows me 0 instead of the actual buffer value.7

Here is my code :

what am i doing wrong here ?

double GetIndicator(int handle, int buffer_num, int index)
   double arr[];
   if(CopyBuffer(handle, buffer_num, 0, index+1, arr) <= 0)
      ...this is error processing

   return 0;
Why are you expecting something else than 0 ?