How to save dynamic array to file - page 3

Narek Kamalyan:

If you will have to choose, which format would you prefer to read/write dynamic array including string, TXT, CSV or JSON as recommended by Dominik?

Here is. Sorry I didn’t focus in this fact )))
Narek Kamalyan: Actually Fernando recommended to use bin in my particular case this is why I tried to clarify. Then what is the proper file format in this case. 

I forgot that you mentioned that you had strings in your array. Sorry!

You can still use packed binary with Strings, but given that you still don't have much experience with it, maybe it will be better for you just to produce a CSV file with FileWriteString().

It will be a simpler solution for you to start with!

EDIT: For me personally, I still prefer to use packed binary, even with strings, but for you it might be too complicated, so just go with CSV for now!

Fernando Carreiro:

You can still use packed binary with Strings, but given that you still don't have much experience with it, maybe it will be better for you just to produce a CSV file with FileWriteString().

It will be a simpler solution for you to start with!

I will try CSV. 
Meanwhile if there is any documentation or any solution in the codebase please share I will investigate.