Why iBars and TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS) return different values?


I used below to get number of bars in GBPNZD monthly chart, it only shows 131 bars.

int numOfBars = iBars(symbolList[i], PERIOD_MN1);
However, when I used below code to get chart's maximum bars, it shows 266 bars.
long maxbars=TerminalInfoInteger(TERMINAL_MAXBARS);

I tried to get close value at shift 180 but failed. How can I do that? (checked that bars in chart is 266.



The maximal bars count on the chart.

And iBar ()
Returns the number of bars on the specified chart.


Get it?

Dominik Egert:


The maximal bars count on the chart.

And iBar ()
Returns the number of bars on the specified chart.


Get it?

Thanks Dominik.

Then why I can see 266 bars on Specific chart (I only opened 1 monthly chart) but iBar() shows 131 bars?
How can I get iClose() for shift 180 for example?


Hardworking Pig:

Thanks Dominik.

Then why I can see 266 bars on Specific chart (I only opened 1 monthly chart) but iBar() shows 131 bars?
How can I get iClose() for shift 180 for example?


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How to automatically download chart history data from server in MQL?
  • 2018.05.27
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Hello all, hope this note finds you great...
Dominik Egert:

Maybe your request is related to this topic:


Great thanks to you, Dominik^^