Trading time, hour:min code

input string StartTime = "08:00"; 
input string StopTime = "20:00";

bool HoursFilter()


   datetime time = TimeCurrent();
   string hours_minutes1 = TimeToString(time,TIME_MINUTES);

   if(StringToInteger(StringSubstr(hours_minutes1,0,5))>=StringToInteger(StartTime) && StringToInteger(StringSubstr(hours_minutes1,0,5))<=StringToInteger(StopTime))
      return true;

   return false;

Hello Expert Coders,

Above mql5 code for specifying trading times in "hour:min" isn't working, the EA generates only zero values in backtesting.

I hope it's a minor coding error, and would appreciate your expert input. 

Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.



Hello Expert Coders,

Above mql5 code for specifying trading times in "hour:min" isn't working, the EA generates only zero values in backtesting.

I hope it's a minor coding error, and would appreciate your expert input. 

Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.


//|                                                InTradingTime.mq5 |
//|                             Copyright 2021, Rosh Jardine Capital |
//|                                 |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, Rosh Jardine Capital"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input int      InpStartHour = 0;
input int      InpStartMinute = 59;
input int      InpEndHour = 23;
input int      InpEndMinute = 58;

//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()

bool InTradingTime()
  datetime Now = TimeCurrent();
  MqlDateTime NowStruct;
  int StartTradingSeconds = (InpStartHour*3600) + (InpStartMinute*60);
  int EndTradingSeconds = (InpEndHour*3600) + (InpEndMinute*60);
  int runningseconds = (NowStruct.hour*3600) + (NowStruct.min*60);
  if ((runningseconds>StartTradingSeconds)&&(runningseconds<EndTradingSeconds))
    Print("within trading time");
  Print("outside of trading time");
Sardion Maranatha:

Thanks @roshjardine for instant reply with code in detail.

My ea script doesn't have void OnStart() type function, instead have void OnTick() and ends with return;} operator.

I tried inserting InTradingTime(); before and after return; of OnTick(), without retun; operator and also at int OnInit(), but none worked. I still get same issue of zero values in backtesting. And if I were to use void OnStart() code as it is for InTradtingTime(); then I get a lot of errors!

Do you know the correct place to insert InTradingTime(); function?

Thanks again and regards,


Sardion Maranatha:

Hi Sardion,

It's sorted, just had to place within void OnEveryTick(), bit of other code re-arrangement and it woked perfectly.

Thanks again for your code and file.

