How to configure MT4 toolbar menu under Wine / Ubuntu

I am runnning MT4 under Wine 6.0 on Ubuntu 20.04 focal.
Have already run $ wincfg to set programms' window dimensions and scale police size.
Now I am facing the issue that the toolbar submenus are not aligned and spread on two lines, and within submenus icons are also split on two or even three lines.
I don't find the option to align the submenus (tool boxes) on one single level, neither to enlarge the toolboxes so that all icons wihtin are also displayed on one single line.
Is there a solution to do this?

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Hi, if you want to have a stable terminal, use windows. Regards Greg
Grzegorz Pawlak:
Hi, if you want to have a stable terminal, use windows. Regards Greg
Removed Windows, replaced with Ubuntu on my two machines.
In the mean time reached some improvements.
As you can see, these improvements is not enough to work properly.