MT5 won't list history deals - python and wine



I'm using MT5 and Python on Wine+Linux. 

My code logs in using mt5.initialize(path, login, password, server). It works fine on Windows, but in Linux it logs in, send and receive order information but the history_deals_get can't work. The terminal lacks the history and trade tabs from the tool box - it seems it can log in but it can't download the history from the broker (I tried it with different brokers).

If I click on the account and log it again, it loads the history. But I was setting it up to run as a service using Xvfb, so that's a big problem - the deals history is important to keep track of the profit.

Does anybody have some tip?




Hi Marcio,

I'm facing the same issue. And I'm trying to solve it. Did you resolved it?

Hope yes. If I found something will update this forum.

