Can anyone open my eyes?


There is part of sample program:

      case -1 : Print("Unknown symbol ",InpLoadedSymbol);             break;
      case -2 : Print("Requested bars more than max bars in chart"); break;
      case -3 : Print("Program was stopped");                        break;
      case -4 : Print("Indicator shouldn't load its own data");      break;
      case -5 : Print("Load failed");                                break;
      case  0 : Print("Loaded OK");                                  break;
      case  1 : Print("Loaded previously");                          break;
      case  2 : Print("Loaded previously and built");                break;
      default : Print("Unknown result");


   My problem is that when I run sample programs, then I cannot see these outprints ("Unknown symbol " e.t.c.). Probably programs are printing these strings in some certain window, but I don't know how and where to open that window. Can anyone open my eyes?


There is part of sample program:

      case -1 : Print("Unknown symbol ",InpLoadedSymbol);             break;
      case -2 : Print("Requested bars more than max bars in chart"); break;
      case -3 : Print("Program was stopped");                        break;
      case -4 : Print("Indicator shouldn't load its own data");      break;
      case -5 : Print("Load failed");                                break;
      case  0 : Print("Loaded OK");                                  break;
      case  1 : Print("Loaded previously");                          break;
      case  2 : Print("Loaded previously and built");                break;
      default : Print("Unknown result");


   My problem is that when I run sample programs, then I cannot see these outprints ("Unknown symbol " e.t.c.). Probably programs are printing these strings in some certain window, but I don't know how and where to open that window. Can anyone open my eyes?

Check the Journal tab, Expert Advisor tab, or the log files

There is part of sample program:

      case -1 : Print("Unknown symbol ",InpLoadedSymbol);             break;
      case -2 : Print("Requested bars more than max bars in chart"); break;
      case -3 : Print("Program was stopped");                        break;
      case -4 : Print("Indicator shouldn't load its own data");      break;
      case -5 : Print("Load failed");                                break;
      case  0 : Print("Loaded OK");                                  break;
      case  1 : Print("Loaded previously");                          break;
      case  2 : Print("Loaded previously and built");                break;
      default : Print("Unknown result");


   My problem is that when I run sample programs, then I cannot see these outprints ("Unknown symbol " e.t.c.). Probably programs are printing these strings in some certain window, but I don't know how and where to open that window. Can anyone open my eyes?

Output for Print() statement are in Experts tab of Toolbox window.