How to code to put Market Watch in pull down list meaning to select any symbol in market watch from pull down list ( no prices or anything else just symbols)? example is shown on attached picture for something else but that is idea?

Universal idea is absent

You could  write enum variable using symbol names but it's no practical

(as for me, the best way is to using simple string variable where user must input some symbol from Market Watch)


Universal idea is absent

You could  write enum variable using symbol names but it's no practical

(as for me, the best way is to using simple string variable where user must input some symbol from Market Watch)

For sound is done the same way : pull down list  and basically it pick up sound file from sound folder...Same should be available for market watch symbols...
For sound is done the same way : pull down list  and basically it pick up sound file from sound folder...Same should be available for market watch symbols...
could u show the code that sound file input can be accessed with that pull down list?
could u show the code that sound file input can be accessed with that pull down list?
I do not have code but files on picture are in my sound folder ( I added some..)...So it can be done for sound...probably something similar is for market watch symbols.
Sound_Files.png  42 kb
I do not have code but files on picture are in my sound folder ( I added some..)...So it can be done for sound...probably something similar is for market watch symbols.
That is not programmable AFAIK. It is platform default. What actually r u gonna do with that symbol?
That is not programmable AFAIK. It is platform default. What actually r u gonna do with that symbol?
That doesn't matter. I need it  as shown on picture....Thank you for your time spent on this post....bye for now.