What does Close, Open, High, Low, Median, Typical and Weighted price means?


I'm generating a EA through MetaEditor and I don't know what those words mean. Is it refering to the price when is supposed to close the order or?

I'm really confused.


I'm generating a EA through MetaEditor and I don't know what those words mean. Is it refering to the price when is supposed to close the order or?

I'm really confused.

It is refering to a price that will trigger some action , its calculation formula :

apart from the Open High Low Close basics 

  • Median = (High + Low )/2
  • Typical = (High + Low + Close)/3
  • Weighted = (High + Low + Close + Close)/4
Lorentzos Roussos:

It is refering to a price that will trigger some action , its calculation formula :

apart from the Open High Low Close basics 

  • Median = (High + Low )/2
  • Typical = (High + Low + Close)/3
  • Weighted = (High + Low + Close + Close)/4
For example, I want the robot to IMMEDIATELY open a buy order when the RSI crosses the 70 level, not when the candle closes or opens. Is that what is refering to? Which one do I choose?
For example, I want the robot to IMMEDIATELY open a buy order when the RSI crosses the 70 level, not when the candle closes or opens. Is that what is refering to? Which one do I choose?

No ,the applied price field refers to the calculation of the RSI .

I dont think the generator can receive such a parameter

Lorentzos Roussos:

No ,the applied price field refers to the calculation of the RSI .

I dont think the generator can receive such a parameter

So it's not possible to program the robot to IMMEDIATELY open a buy order when the RSI crosses the 70 level?
15112020: So it's not possible to program the robot to IMMEDIATELY open a buy order when the RSI crosses the 70 level?

Of course, you can. Each tick, read the RSI and compare to 70.

William Roeder:

Of course, you can. Each tick, read the RSI and compare to 70.

But which are the lines of code that do that? I've been searching the web to do something like that and I couldn't find anything even related. I just want a simple EA robot to open a buy order when the RSI[14] crosses up the 70 level in the 5-minute chart and once it goes below the 70 level it closes the buy order and opens a sell order. And to do it backward. So, it only does 1 order per time. 
But which are the lines of code that do that? I've been searching the web to do something like that and I couldn't find anything even related. I just want a simple EA robot to open a buy order when the RSI[14] crosses up the 70 level in the 5-minute chart and once it goes below the 70 level it closes the buy order and opens a sell order. And to do it backward. So, it only does 1 order per time. 

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The idea of the strategy it's very simple and I can't waste any money at this time. I developed a very simple code but I'm afraid I got a lot of thing wrong. This it it:

//|                                                      roborsi.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                             https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2021, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#proerty link      "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version   "1.00"
//| Include                                                          |
#include <Expert\Expert.mqh>
//--- available signals
#include <Expert\Signal\SignalRSI.mqh>
//--- available trailing
#include <Expert\Trailing\TrailingNone.mqh>
//--- available money management
#include <Expert\Money\MoneyFixedLot.mqh>
//| Inputs                                                           |
//--- inputs for expert
input string             Expert_Title         ="roborsi";   // Document name
ulong                    Expert_MagicNumber   =19541;       //
bool                     Expert_EveryTick     =false;       //
//--- inputs for main signal
input int                Signal_ThresholdOpen =10;          // Signal threshold value to open [0...100]
input int                Signal_ThresholdClose=10;          // Signal threshold value to close [0...100]
input double             Signal_PriceLevel    =0.0;         // Price level to execute a deal
input double             Signal_StopLevel     =50.0;        // Stop Loss level (in points)
input double             Signal_TakeLevel     =50.0;        // Take Profit level (in points)
input int                Signal_Expiration    =4;           // Expiration of pending orders (in bars)
input int                Signal_RSI_PeriodRSI =14;          // Relative Strength Index(14,...) Period of calculation
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE Signal_RSI_Applied   =PRICE_CLOSE; // Relative Strength Index(14,...) Prices series
input double             Signal_RSI_Weight    =1.0;         // Relative Strength Index(14,...) Weight [0...1.0]
//--- inputs for money
input double             Money_FixLot_Percent =10.0;        // Percent
input double             Money_FixLot_Lots    =0.1;         // Fixed volume
//| Global expert object                                             |
CExpert ExtExpert;
//| Initialization function of the expert                            |
int OnInit()
//--- Initializing expert
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error initializing expert");
//--- Creating signal
   CExpertSignal *signal=new CExpertSignal;
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error creating signal");
//--- Creating filter CSignalRSI
   CSignalRSI *filter0=new CSignalRSI;
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error creating filter0");
//--- Set filter parameters
//--- Creation of trailing object
   CTrailingNone *trailing=new CTrailingNone;
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error creating trailing");
//--- Add trailing to expert (will be deleted automatically))
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error initializing trailing");
//--- Set trailing parameters
//--- Creation of money object
   CMoneyFixedLot *money=new CMoneyFixedLot;
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error creating money");
//--- Add money to expert (will be deleted automatically))
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error initializing money");
//--- Set money parameters
//--- Check all trading objects parameters
      //--- failed
//--- Tuning of all necessary indicators
      //--- failed
      printf(__FUNCTION__+": error initializing indicators");
//--- ok
//| Deinitialization function of the expert                          |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| "Tick" event handler function                                    |
void OnTick()
//| "Trade" event handler function                                   |
void OnTrade()
//| "Timer" event handler function                                   |
void OnTimer()
Descubra novos recursos para o MetaTrader 5 com a comunidade e os serviços MQL5
Descubra novos recursos para o MetaTrader 5 com a comunidade e os serviços MQL5
  • 2021.02.23
  • www.mql5.com
MQL5: linguagem de estratégias de negociação inseridas no Terminal do Cliente MetaTrader 5. A linguagem permite escrever seus próprios sistemas automáticos de negócios, indicadores técnicos, scripts e bibliotecas de funções
Lorentzos Roussos #:

It is refering to a price that will trigger some action , its calculation formula :

apart from the Open High Low Close basics 

  • Median = (High + Low )/2
  • Typical = (High + Low + Close)/3
  • Weighted = (High + Low + Close + Close)/4

The documentation for the _AppliedTo variables (where these are defined) has the formula for Weighted as "Weighted price = (Open+High+Low+Close)/4". Yet the Data Type is listed as "Weighted Price (HLCC/4)". The Price Constants section also defines the PRICE_WEIGHTED enum as HLCC (i.e. as mentioned above).

Presumably, the formula documented in the _AppliedTo page is wrong and is a typo? It should be "Weighted = (High + Low + Close + Close)/4"? That's the only correct formula, right?


Documentation on MQL5: Predefined Variables / _AppliedTo
Documentation on MQL5: Predefined Variables / _AppliedTo
  • www.mql5.com
The _AppliedTo variable allows finding out the type of data, used for indicator calculation:   Example: See also...
bool UseCurrentCandle = false; // True: Use current candle for signals, False: Use previous candle