Brokers close account of profitable client (Automated trading)


Hey Guys, 

I have done some research to find a broker to run my EA in the past couple of months. Already have some names in the list, but an interesting point I have heard/watched/read is that is some brokers close the account of extremely profitable clientsdue to the business strategies and plans. Some developers/people go further and suggest not running EA all the time, keep the profit under certain numbers, or even once in a while have a significant loss!All in all, to stay off the broker's radar! 

I have at the moment a few strategies which have the potential to gain nice profit in a certain reasonable amount of time and I wonder if anyone has experience with that? Or is it just another rumor running around the industry? 

All the guides, experiences, and resources that you will be kind to share are really appreciated! 



Hey Guys, 

I have done some research to find a broker to run my EA in the past couple of months. Already have some names in the list, but an interesting point I have heard/watched/read is that is some brokers close the account of extremely profitable clientsdue to the business strategies and plans. Some developers/people go further and suggest not running EA all the time, keep the profit under certain numbers, or even once in a while have a significant loss!All in all, to stay off the broker's radar! 

I have at the moment a few strategies which have the potential to gain nice profit in a certain reasonable amount of time and I wonder if anyone has experience with that? Or is it just another rumor running around the industry? 

All the guides, experiences, and resources that you will be kind to share are really appreciated! 


Hello Zarik .

I dont think its that widespread nowadays .

That been said , if you are not certain ,the best evidence is video .(record your sessions)

An interesting way to do that is by broadcasting live on youtube ,(i think it maintains the last 16hours?)


Get your profit first, worry about closing down your accounts later.

If that happens, you can go to another broker.

I have heard such stories about casinos and poker players, but not about forex brokers.