Discussion of article "How to make $1,000,000 off algorithmic trading? Use MQL5.com services!"


New article How to make $1,000,000 off algorithmic trading? Use MQL5.com services! has been published:

All traders visit the market with the goal of earning their first million dollars. How to do that without excessive risk and start-up budget? MQL5 services provide such opportunity for developers and traders from around the world.

Our Market of trading applications is the most popular online store of its kind in the world and has a monthly turnover amounting to millions of dollars. To date, dozens of Sellers have already made hundreds of thousands of dollars!

TOP 10 Market Sellers

Do you want to make $1,000,000 by selling trading robots? Then register as a Seller and publish your products in the Market!

Post a product in the Market

Author: MetaQuotes


If you really want us to believe that money can be generated by algo makers using Freelance and Signals service of your site, please show some faces.

On the contrary, by putting out this plug a viewer will get a feeling that business is going down because of poor model.

Jobs placed for freelancers attract anonymous persons claiming to possess qualifications to do a job. There is no way of finding their previous work or how reliable they can be.

Strictly, if you make it compulsory for a freelancer to produce a video of showing prototype, finished indicator or EA working, order should not be placed.

This will attract people who are confident of their competence and skills and filter out coders who are looking for ideas to generate signals.

If you make a survey, it will surprise you to know that at least 90% of coders have done or doing the job not to make money for their time or labour but to get ideas to generate quick money.

Coders have been led to the garden path by motivated market noise that quick money can be made by coding algos.

Strongly believing in such talk, 90% of coders have collected ideas and have put their savings and have heavily lost.

Freelance service is being used by coders looking for ideas for their own use rather than to really sell their labout.

How can you explain the unrealistic prices they accept to do a job?


If you really want us to believe that money can be generated by algo makers using Freelance and Signals service of your site, please show some faces.

On the contrary, by putting out this plug a viewer will get a feeling that business is going down because of poor model.

Jobs placed for freelancers attract anonymous persons claiming to possess qualifications to do a job. There is no way of finding their previous work or how reliable they can be.

Strictly, if you make it compulsory for a freelancer to produce a video of showing prototype, finished indicator or EA working, order should not be placed.

This will attract people who are confident of their competence and skills and filter out coders who are looking for ideas to generate signals.

If you make a survey, it will surprise you to know that at least 90% of coders have done or doing the job not to make money for their time or labour but to get ideas to generate quick money.

Coders have been led to the garden path by motivated market noise that quick money can be made by coding algos.

Strongly believing in such talk, 90% of coders have collected ideas and have put their savings and have heavily lost.

Freelance service is being used by coders looking for ideas for their own use rather than to really sell their labout.

How can you explain the unrealistic prices they accept to do a job?

The charts with the sellers earnings are true and I can confirm that.

I don't understand what the quality of developers has to do with the fact that some of them are making good money?

I disagree with your claim that there is no way of finding out how good or reliable a developer is, when I used the Freelance service for the first few times, I always checked the number of jobs done by the coder and the rating.

I never went for the cheaper one, something that many people do around here and then complain about the quality of the finished product.

If you choose a developer with 5000 completed jobs and 4.98/5 rating, you will not be disappointed, but if you go for the one with 3 jobs and 3/5 rating you are playing with fire, in my humble opinion.

I also disagree with your opinion that Freelancers are only doing this for finding trading ideas and strategies and then they lose their money over them, this is really naive to think.

As for the great difference in offered prices in the Freelance section, there is a simple answer to this, we live in a world where $30 is a tip in New York or Oslo, but a week's salary in Pakistan or India, so it is perfectly logical that a developer asking for $30 for a job, when someone else would ask 10 times that.


I am a retired Wall Street journalist.

Faceless people can earn money. Whatever you say is right.

If you can't show the faces, then everybody can draw own conclusions.

I have drawn mine. 

Thank you. 

Happy thoughts.


Strictly, if you make it compulsory for a freelancer to produce a video of showing prototype, finished indicator or EA working, order should not be placed.

This will attract people who are confident of their competence and skills and filter out coders who are looking for ideas to generate signals.

That is amongst the most ridiculous suggestions that I have ever read!

Do you honestly believe that the coder should code the EA or indicator before an agreement is reached and the funds locked?

The customer could have 10 different coders working on the code and definitely at least 9 of them will be wasting their time as they are never going to be paid for the work.


If you make a survey, it will surprise you to know that at least 90% of coders have done or doing the job not to make money for their time or labour but to get ideas to generate quick money.

Absolute rubbish! Please quote your source.

Where did you get 90% from? You must have just plucked it from the air. I have never seen anything about such a statistic.

Please do not just think of a number and then post it as if it is fact.


Freelance service is being used by coders looking for ideas for their own use rather than to really sell their labout.

How can you explain the unrealistic prices they accept to do a job?

Please do not post any opinion that you may have and state it as fact.

If you really want us to believe that money can be generated by algo makers using Freelance and Signals service of your site, please show some faces.

On the contrary, by putting out this plug a viewer will get a feeling that business is going down because of poor model.

Jobs placed for freelancers attract anonymous persons claiming to possess qualifications to do a job. There is no way of finding their previous work or how reliable they can be.

Strictly, if you make it compulsory for a freelancer to produce a video of showing prototype, finished indicator or EA working, order should not be placed.

This will attract people who are confident of their competence and skills and filter out coders who are looking for ideas to generate signals.

If you make a survey, it will surprise you to know that at least 90% of coders have done or doing the job not to make money for their time or labour but to get ideas to generate quick money.

Coders have been led to the garden path by motivated market noise that quick money can be made by coding algos.

Strongly believing in such talk, 90% of coders have collected ideas and have put their savings and have heavily lost.

Freelance service is being used by coders looking for ideas for their own use rather than to really sell their labout.

How can you explain the unrealistic prices they accept to do a job?

As freelancer here on mql and other websites and forex trader for more than 10 years  , I can tell you that this is not quite right . I personally make very good money from coding than trading believe it or not . And for your information brokerages statistics shows that 90% of traders lose their money trading cfd forex and stocks , and this is also what I see when I develop or code to any client . So most of developers don't rely on client's idea because simppy they know in advance the result .
Talking about why some developers accepts very low prices , this could be due mainly to either one of two reasons , first most of developers build their own library over time making it easy when a one client asks for something it's likely the developer made it before so he will just copy the required code from his library , tweak it a little and provide it to client . As if he sold something he already has . The second reason is that some ideas are very simple to code that don't take more than 1 or 2 hours to complete if not already exists . 
Last thing the low unrealistic price you think could be good high price in another country . The minimum cost in mql 30$ for projects that takes less than 1 or 2 hours this is fair price if I get paid 30$ for simple job that wouldn't cost me anything other than just 30 minutes if  I don't have most of it's code ready 😉

After losing money, coders get caught in a spiral. Always looking to recover losses, <Deleted>.

Are you a coder?

How do you know all that?


I don't know what your motive is with your posts.

Please do not make assumptions and accusations with nothing to back them up.

I am removing your last few posts, including one where, (very strangely), you replied to your own post and ranted at yourself!

Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Paypal Withdrawal not Available".

I have removed your last posts.

If you continue to make unwarranted assumptions and accusations after being warned not to, you will leave me no choice but to ban you from this forum.

Keith Watford:

I have removed your last posts.

If you continue to make unwarranted assumptions and accusations after being warned not to, you will leave me no choice but to ban you from this forum.

Don't forget Keith, (s)he is a journalist, unwarranted assumptions are part of the trade.

I am doing the same kind of posting on purpose, in order to see how it feels.