Orders linked to signal


Hello all, 

I'm using the help of a signal provider but i was wondering if it was possible to link an order to one made by the signal provider. 

Let me explain, the signal provider i'm using only opens .01 lots and sometimes i would like to open 0.05 lot at the same time. Would it be possible to link both order together. So when one (signal) is closing, the other one closes as well?

Thanks for your help! 


Hello all, 

I'm using the help of a signal provider but i was wondering if it was possible to link an order to one made by the signal provider. 

Let me explain, the signal provider i'm using only opens .01 lots and sometimes i would like to open 0.05 lot at the same time. Would it be possible to link both order together. So when one (signal) is closing, the other one closes as well?

Thanks for your help! 

There are such utilities in the Market, but be careful because this is the easiest way to destroy your account.

Discussion and recommendations about specific solutions are not allowed in this forum.


Do you know how it's called? And i'm fully aware of the risks!

Thanks a lot for the reminder!