Scripts: Send a message from metatrader to telegram


Send a message from metatrader to telegram:

With this script, you can send a message from MetaTrader 4 to Telegram.

Author: NabiKAZ

This is lovely but is there a way to send an indicator alert to telegram?

i am getting an server error 

code 5200

I also get an error: 5023
My PC its by ethernet at the cable-modem... and also is on the DMZ settings (supossed to have a clear pass)
Tried changing it to HTTP (no 's')... same error... does not "see" the external world... seems to be...
Getting Error 5023 which is "directory does not exist"
I also got error 5203

how do you add charts to the entry and exits and add custom messages with each alert?


Nice thank you.

How can you insert a breaking line into the text ?

Tried \n\r without success