Orders in MT5 are different than the ones showing in the Home Broker


There are some orders in my MT5 that do not exist in the Home Broker. 

To be clear, here is a print screen of 2 of the orders I am speaking of:

In the MT5 "Toolbox" -> "Trade" tab, they are showing like this for days now. 

On the other hand, here is a print screen of the orders in my Home Broker:

As you can see, both orders don't show at the home broker.

Just to help understanding this issue, the name of the BROKER I use is RICO and, in order to fix this issue, I've installed another instance of MT5 on my computer and when I add the RICO account to the MT5 those orders will appear as they do in the original MT5 installation instance. 

So I tried installing MT5 on another computer and, as soon as I added the RICO account to the MT5, those orders appeared as they do in the original MT5 installation instance. 

For the POMO4 asset, I even closed all the graphs associted to it but still the jammed orders won't go away. 

I don't know what else to do. Does anybody have any ideas ?

Olá, conseguiu resolver isto? Estou tendo o mesmo problema.
Flavio Schotgues #: did you manage to resolve this? I'm having the same problem.

Please post only in English on this forum. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation. (2013)