Search for Multiple items without loop StringFind


Hi Guys

just wondering like C or Python is there anyway find multiple items in String with StringFind or some other function to find more than 1 item in string in MQL?

i can do it with loop & array but it take system overhead so if anyone knows any better way i appreciate your help

lets say for example sake i want find any numerical number in string {0,1,2,3...9}


William Roeder:


useful but still need loop 

problem i have is working with thousands of stocks not usual currency pairs 

by default MarketWatch have max 5000 limit and its hard to make it sort by some definitions...

what im trying to do giving choice to remove unwanted types of stocks by specified conditions...

so it has loops ifs... and eventually consume whole CPU! and make code messy as well!

thats why im seeking way to lower amount of loops & overheads in my script

in python or C++ we have options to put all conditions as collection like ['a', 'b', 'c'] ...

but it seems it doesnt work on MQL5