Tell me why the error occurs: "'buffer' - parameter conversion not allowed"

struct signal
   char              id[36];
   char              symbols_name[20];
   double            stop_loss;
   double            open_price;
   bool              type;
   int               timestamp;

void OnTimer()
   signal buffer[];

void signalRead(signal& buffer)

      ulong file_size = FileSize(file_handle);
      uint parts = file_size / SIZE_SIGNAL;

For some reason, it swears at the line

with the error buffer - parameter conversion not allowed when I try to pass an array of structures by reference to a function signalRead

But the code works fine if I declare  signal buffer[] inside the function signalRead


void signalRead()
signal buffer[];
      ulong file_size = FileSize(file_handle);
      uint parts = file_size / SIZE_SIGNAL;


Why do I get an error when I pass an array of structures by reference please explain?


By convention an array must be passed by reference, and is indicated with brackets []. So, the function prototype needs to look like this:

void signalRead(signal& buffer[])

A declaration like yours

void signalRead(signal& buffer)

would mean buffer is a single signal struct, passed by reference, hence the error.


By convention an array must be passed by reference, and is indicated with brackets []. So, the function prototype needs to look like this:

A declaration like yours

would mean buffer is a single signal struct, passed by reference, hence the error.

This is when I wish there was a like function or the most common mistake and the likes or up votes would guide people the most up votes for the subject matter would be on top..

By convention an array must be passed by reference, and is indicated with brackets []. So, the function prototype needs to look like this:

A declaration like yours

would mean buffer is a single signal struct, passed by reference, hence the error.

Thank you very much! such a banal mistake, the issue is resolved!