Non-MT4 Activity #1314


Good afternoon everyone,

This is my first post on the forum, so please be gentle.

I am a fairly recent Forex trader (3 months)  and have a live MT4 Account with Oanda. 

I have noticed that on my 'Account History' in MT 4  I have seen 'Non-MT4 Activity #1314' on 2 occasions. On both occasions a certain amount of money has been deducted. As a beginner I am trading with a very small account so these deductions are very noticeable.

Is there anyone out there that can, firstly, explain what the text means and secondly what am I doing to incur this penalty?

Thank you for your patience and I look forward to your replies.

Kind regards,


  1. Account History is your broker's information. Only they can answer your question.
  2. Likely you had an order open past 5PM ET and was charged swap. Oanda does not use OrderSwap field but instead creates a separate entry.