How to Change Alert Default Settings?



How can we change the default settings of the MT5 builtin alert system, e.g. Limit=2, Timeout=60,

so we don't have to adjust on every new alert?

Is there a menu or do we have to edit some .ini file (which one)?

Thx, Sven



How can we change the default settings of the MT5 builtin alert system, e.g. Limit=2, Timeout=60,

so we don't have to adjust on every new alert?

Is there a menu or do we have to edit some .ini file (which one)?

Thx, Sven

Hello Sven, I don't think it's possible in the current MT5 build (975). However, I do think it's an interesting idea and I encourage you to write to the Service Desk and suggest it as a feature to be included in the next MetaTrader versions.



Hello Sven, I don't think it's possible in the current MT5 build (975). However, I do think it's an interesting idea and I encourage you to write to the Service Desk and suggest it as a feature to be included in the next MetaTrader versions.


Hi Malacarne,

thanks for the info. At least, I won't have to look any further.

Regards, Sven