Publishing a Product ERROR, how can i resolve this?


Hello, i am publishing an EA on mql5 plataform, and there is a error to publish the product as you can see below, how can i solve this error?


If it is related to the volume so you can check the following:


The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market

Why products are checked before they are published in the Market 

Before any product is published in the Market, it must undergo compulsory preliminary checks, as a small error in the expert or indicator logic can cause losses on the trading account. That is why we have developed a series of basic checks to ensure the required quality level of the Market products.

If any errors are identified by the Market moderators in the process of checking your product, you will have to fix all of them. This article considers the most frequent errors made by developers in their trading robots and technical indicators. We also recommend reading the following articles: 

Sergey Golubev:

If it is related to the volume so you can check the following:


The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market

Ok, thanks, i change something on the EA and It worked!!! And i'm trying now to publish my mt4 version of the same product and something happens as you can see below, Strategy testes report not found, how can i solve this?


We don't need multiple topics concerning the same issue.

If you have a problem with "Strategy tester report not found" please post in the other topic, not here.

Strategy tester report not found

Strategy Tester Report not found
Strategy Tester Report not found
  • 2020.06.20
I get the message " Strategy Tester Report not found" EURUSD 1H. How can I solve this...
Keith Watford:

We don't need multiple topics concerning the same issue.

If you have a problem with "Strategy tester report not found" please post in the other topic, not here.

Strategy tester report not found

Ok, thanks.

Keith Watford:

We don't need multiple topics concerning the same issue.

If you have a problem with "Strategy tester report not found" please post in the other topic, not here.

Strategy tester report not found

Italo Santana Gomes:

Ok, thanks.

And yet you have started yet another topic regarding the same issue!!!!!

I have deleted the topic.

Don't start another topic unless you want to be banned!