Buy closed at StopLoss but low 2 points over SL


Is it worth discussing with the broker if a buy position was closed at StopLoss by the broker but the low in the chart is 2 points over SL?

20 min. later it would have been a nice profit :-( 

Two points is nothing — the spread is likely ten times that. But if the low of the bar is above the SL, then the SL couldn't have been hit — Right click → Refresh and check again.
William Roeder:
Two points is nothing — the spread is likely ten times that. But if the low of the bar is above the SL, then the SL couldn't have been hit — Right click → Refresh and check again.

Of course I checked again and of course if it was a sell I wouldn't ask - for the spread. But is this kind of cheating by a broker something normal, something traders have to live with?

Do I have to set SL always 5 or more points wider to or use a virtual SL to avoid that kind of cheating?

Or is it just a bad broker and I should change it as normally this doesn't happen?