Traiangle coordinates error


I have the following code- for points 1,2 & 3 of a triangle

Price1 is declared as double and Time1 as datetime

Price1   = ObjectGetDouble       (0,objName,OBJPROP_PRICE1 ,0); 
Time1    = ObjectGetTimeByValue  (0,objName,Price1 ,0); 

The prices are as expected for all points

but get the following error and not sure what I need to do to correct the problem.

4205 object coordinates error

Perhaps I need something other than ,0 after Price1 but can't find what I may need.

Any help appreciated.

Peter Williams:

Time1    = ObjectGetTimeByValue  (0,objName,Price1 ,0); 

Perhaps you should read the manual. Where in ObjectGetTimeByValue or ObjectGetValueByTime do you see triangle is valid.
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