max 10 496 in fast genetic optimization. Can it be increased??


I have noticed, that with fast genetic option of the optimization, there is ALWAYS 10 495 passes, that are tested, no matter what time frame, what time period or EA. It is ALWAYS the same. 

My computer can do better than that, but the slow complete optimization on the other hand is already too much. So my question here is:

can the amount of passes in fast genetic optimization be somehow increased?


It can not be increased. However if there are branches worth while calculating the GA will increase its passes.

This case 11008, but i have seen it go upwards of 14000.

Enrique Dangeroux:

It can not be increased. However if there are branches worth while calculating the GA will increase its passes.

This case 11008, but i have seen it go upwards of 14000.

thank you for your reply.

it would be excellent if the amount of passes in fast genetic mode would have a certain degree of customization ;) maybe some day... 


It is customizeable already.

If you have billions of combinations, split it, because don't calculate what you do not need. Especially if there are many optimizeable parameters. In other words, rephrase the question to get the right answer instead of many mediocre answers.

Also try custom optimization criteria where there is no correlation between the statistics and the custom score. It is not so much clear on my screenshot but the statistics are all over the place versus the result value column.

To put into context, i use GA for brute force pattern finding as wel as optimize the found patterns. 

faced same issue, genetic optimizer not trying more than 3rd depth